Monday, February 11, 2008


Is the most,cheap cigarettes, appropriate name for,cheap cigarettes, the users of Tobacco; as much so as the vile
disgusting loathsome,cheap cigarettes, green worm that swallows the poison leaf into its stomach. For the poison of the quid
and the smoke is taken up by the blood vessels,cheap cigarettes, and absorbents of the mouth, and carried into the circulation,
even in a more virulent form,cheap cigarettes, than if introduced by the stomach.
Every doctor will tell you that he is more afraid to give tobacco, even as an enema, than any other poison in,cheap cigarettes,
the Materia Medica: he never gives it by the stomach. Sometimes, in violent spasmodic colic, or strangulation ,cheap cigarettes,
of the bowels, or spasmodic croup, tobacco is used externally as a poultice, and if you are not very careful, it ,cheap cigarettes,
will kill your patient even in this form. Many a colt and calf has been killed by rubbing them with tobacco
juice to kill the lice. Tobacco is death to all kinds of parasitical vermin; it will kill the most venomous reptiles ,cheap cigarettes,
very quick. Many children have been killed by the application of tobacco for lice titter sores &c. Dr. Mussey ,cheap cigarettes,
tells of a woman that rubbed a little tobacco juice on a ring worm, not larger than a 25 cts. on her little girl's ,cheap cigarettes,
face; and if a physician had not been quickly summoned the child would have died. He tells of a father who ,cheap cigarettes,
killed his son by putting tobacco spit on a sore on his head. You would do well to read what various medical
men have written on the subject. Every other poison vegetable is content with one poison; but tobacco has two ,cheap cigarettes,
of the most deadly poisons in the vegetable kingdom. This is no scare-crow put up to frighten you Tobacco ,cheap cigarettes,
Eaters; if you don't believe me just examine a vegetable chemistry, and to convince your self more ,cheap cigarettes,
thoroughly, just drop one drop of nicotina or nicotianin on the tongue of a Cat or a Dog, that you don't wish to
kill by the tedious method or shooting or drowning, and see what the effect will be. See if Strychnine will do ,cheap cigarettes,
its work so quick.
Doctors: men whose profession is to play with poisons as with so many deadly vipers, stand back and behold ,cheap cigarettes,
its poisoned fangs with horrow, not daring to lay hold on it and use it as a medicine for his sick wife or child.,cheap cigarettes,
No he shuns it with a deathly horrow! Though himself may be a SLAVE to the slower action of its ,cheap cigarettes,
devitalizing powers on mind and body.
An over dose of tobacco is incureable because of its peculiar effect upon the system. The effect is known by a ,cheap cigarettes,
deathly paleness and sickness, then the air suddenly becomes too warm and oppressive, the patient desires a ,cheap cigarettes,
cool situation, a drink of cold water and a fresh breeze, the strangest of all is at the same time the patient is so ,cheap cigarettes,
stimulated the action of the heart decreases, and to give a stimulant to increase it, it increases its virulence in ,cheap cigarettes,
proportion to the increase of the suffocating and sickening sensation: and to give the medicine to allay that,cheap cigarettes,
still decreases the motion of the heart's action. Thus an antidote is instantly transformed into fuel to feed the ,cheap cigarettes,
unquenchable flame,cheap cigarettes, that is already devouring the human vitals.